21.10.2012 14:59
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Ísralsmenn hafa nú tilkynnt að engar "mannúðarvörur" hafi verið um borð í Estelle
Eða eins og segir í fréttinni:"After the IDF takeover of the boat, which concluded peacefully, it was taken to the Ashdod port, where it was inspected by Israeli officials and found to be carrying no humanitarian aid meant for Gazans, as its passengers had claimed." Furðulegt mál
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Eða eins og segir í fréttinni:"After the IDF takeover of the boat, which concluded peacefully, it was taken to the Ashdod port, where it was inspected by Israeli officials and found to be carrying no humanitarian aid meant for Gazans, as its passengers had claimed." Furðulegt mál
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